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Sunday Sermons on youtube

What does it mean to live as a follower of Jesus in a culture that pulls you in every direction but toward Him? How do we truly reflect the heart of God in a world full of noise, tension, and brokenness? Paul’s letter to the first century Christians at Corinth speaks directly to these questions, offering timeless wisdom for navigating life, faith, and relationships in the real world.

The city of Corinth was much like our own—diverse, ambitious, and deeply divided. Through this letter, Holy Spirit challenges us to live as saints in the city—people set apart by the gospel, yet fully engaged in the cultural realities around us. It’s a call to faithfulness, to let the power of the cross shape every part of our lives. Whether we’re wrestling with conflict, questioning our freedom, or seeking true spiritual maturity, we are reminded that the answer is always found in Christ and Him crucified.

On the first Friday of every month, we are setting aside the entire day for fasting, prayer, and community as we continue in the spirit of our “Awestruck” consecration. Here’s how we’ll engage together: Fasting, gather for prayer and break the fast together with a potluck.

We follow a Savior who said that He came to serve and not be served (Luke 22:24–27). So it’s a high honor for us to serve His body and the city that He has placed us in and called us to. Two areas that currently we need help with are our Tech and Outreach teams. Please use this link to volunteer for one or more of those teams!

It’s finally time to share something special we’ve been working on—it’s called Dear Detroit! This isn’t just a book; it’s like a love letter straight from God’s heart for His people, drawn from the churches in Revelation. Through images and raw reflections, Dear Detroit lays bare the beauty, mess, and struggles of those ancient communities while pulling us directly into the story here in Detroit.

We’re also donating a portion of the proceeds to support local missionaries who are living out the gospel commission in some of the world’s most challenging nations.

Price: $49.99

Join us as we launch Lifegroups, a cornerstone of discipleship and belonging at Detroit Church this semester through December. Starting the week of September 29th, LifeGroups will launch for the fall: a space for us to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and each other, fostering a sense of family that goes beyond mere meetings. We sense that the Lord is raising the bar on Lifegroups as discipleship, so do look out for more communications as to how we are sensing these will evolve into the winter and spring. Nevertheless, for the fall, our vision is to have geographically-focused groups where we share life, care for the local community, practice discipleship together, apply the Word, and pray for one another, all while celebrating our unique differences and championing each other's spiritual growth. Lifegroups are not just about checking boxes; they are about embracing the cost of discipleship and the beauty of Christian community. Please fill out this form for the group that you plan to attend, or please connect with a Lifegroup leader for more details, information, or answer any question.

Tuesdays 6P-8P (Weekly) 
Co-Lead/Hosts: Martin & Chelsea Coffman
Co-Lead: Michael & Sarah Young

Mondays 6P-8P (Weekly)
Lead/Host: Micah & Violetta Reum
Co-Lead/Co-Hosts: Erinn Reed

N8 (North of 8 Mile)
Wednesdays 6:30P-8:30P (1st & 3rd)
Co-Lead/Co-Hosts: Edward & Adrienne Cole; J.O. & Tanisha Owen
Hosts: Clarence & Lorrena Black

Conner Creek
Wednesdays 6P-8P (Weekly)
Co-Leads: Myra Tetteh; Dahime Gordon & Ashley Albright
Host: Myra Tetteh

Morning Story is back for March and we are so looking forward to being with all of you women. Join us Saturday, March 15th (8:30-10:30 am) for breakfast, fellowship, and a story of transformation from one of our sisters. If you are able, please bring something for our potluck meal. We'd love to see you (with or without an item). Feel free to bring a friend! Look for an email from the 31:30 group to register and to receive the location.

Come be refreshed and enjoy a fun-filled evening with other married couples! ReFresh is the perfect opportunity to relax, connect, and have a great time while sharing a delicious potluck meal with friends old and new.

Thank you for being a vital part of this story! Your generosity has not only sustained the work here at Detroit Church but has also opened doors for new opportunities to make Jesus known in our city and around the world. May God multiply His blessings in your life as you continue to walk in obedience to Him.

Click here for download instructions.

As followers of Jesus, we don't just give to something, we give from something. And this conviction is the blessed joy of knowing that our resources can be a tool for both the glory of God, and the good of man. When you give to Detroit Church, you are using your God-given resources to make all things new in Detroit, and beyond. Thank you for your generosity!

God’s house is a house of prayer, and WE are that house. Get plugged in through prayer as we respond to the call of Intercession every Wednesday morning at 630A on Detroit Church’s ZOOM channel. (See link button below)

God’s mission is so much bigger than a physical building. Over the last seven and a half years, we’ve witnessed this firsthand as a portable church. God has been making us into a spiritual house where people of various styles, eras, and cultural identities can come and gather around the essentials of the faith and be changed by the unfathomable love of Jesus. Now, we believe He’s leading us to discover what it means to be planted within the North End community of Detroit, in a physical facility that both we and our neighbors can call home. There is still time to give into this!

Find out how you can help by clicking here!

What happens when you take a classic breakbeat, combine it with 5 talented artists, all to elevate the Gospel and honor the God who has worked in and through Black people for centuries? You get a celebration of Black History Month called '28 Days.' Check out the song on all streaming platforms!

We love all of our little people!

babies to grade 5


Did you know that we’ve relaunched our Kids Ministry? Every other week our little people, babies to grade 5, are meeting in their very own interactive space and learning about God in relevant and engaging ways. It’s not too late to enroll your child, and possibly even join the team.