Black History Month

Black Thought

By Nathaniel Phillips

Theology is the study of God or religion. An individual or community’s “theology” is essentially what they think about, how they understand, and, to the extent that He can be known, what they know about God. Theology can be both taught and caught. It can develop out of education and experience. Different experiences can contribute to different understandings. These understandings aren’t necessarily contradictory and don’t have to represent disagreements unless one party insists their understanding is the only valid one. I’d like to explore some of the experiences and influences that contribute to “black theology;” specifically the theology of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

Dr. King rose to prominence when he was asked to lead the Montgomery Improvement Association in response to Rosa Parks’ arrest for being black and out of place. He was new to town and an unknown commodity. The world had no idea that his thoughts, convictions, and moral leadership would go on to influence global consciousness in remarkable ways. 

Dr. King spent a lot of time unpacking the “Imago Dei” or the image of God in all humanity. We ALL are carefully and wonderfully made. Jesus’ blood covered ALL of our sins. God’s love extends to ALL of us equally: oppressed and oppressor, powerful and powerless, from the city streets to the C-Suites. The fight for justice is so much more than leveling playing fields or diversity, equity, and inclusion. It is about recognizing and restoring God’s intentional design for humankind. 

Dr. King once imagined that he found and translated a lost epistle of Paul. He entitled the speech “Paul’s Letter to The American Christians.” In this letter, the imaginary Paul marveled at the technological advances that were unimaginable in his time. Distances that once took weeks to traverse could be covered in hours. Americans had come so far but were yet so far away from what God wanted. Dr. King (speaking as the Apostle Paul) said, “You have allowed your mentality to outrun your morality. You have allowed your civilization to outdistance your culture, and through your scientific genius, you have made of the world a neighborhood. But through your moral and spiritual genius, you have failed to make of it a brotherhood.” 

God wants more from the American Church. If we had a deeper understanding of the Kingdom of God (theology) then it would cause us to examine the way our society is organized (sociology). This process would have profound effects on how we understand humankind (anthropology). We could also approach it the opposite way. What do we think about humanity? How does that influence the way we organize society? Is that consistent with what the Bible teaches?

To be clear, the human experience is not theology. It would be an error for a Christian to presume that their experience is God’s plan without any further examination. However, if you hold an experience up to the bible and scrutinize it under the light of scripture you could possibly better understand the experience, the scriptures, and the God of the scriptures. Let’s challenge the American church to think about the black experience under the light of scripture. 

In many ways, this is exactly what Dr. King did. His theological ideas, however, get characterized and sub-genred, sometimes in error, as “black liberation theology.” This classification makes it easy for your favorite, mainstream pastor/seminary professor/author to dismiss, disregard and ignore the experiences that informed the thoughts. Then without serious consideration, discredit the thoughts and their efficacy. 

March 1st

by Sean Novak

I am a white boy that was born and raised the first decade of my life on the west side of Detroit. To me, there is no other physical space on earth that feels more like home as I roll down 7 mile, 8 mile, or Grand River in Northwest Detroit. Growing up there through the 80s and early 90s created a foundation in me that would be built upon for years to come. I feel most comfortable in places that a lot of people would see me as out of place. Why? Because I’m a magical ginger. Okay, I’m joking… maybe. However, my growth in many ways was nurtured by many brothers and sisters that God blessed with beautiful black skin. However, this collective of God’s beauty is more than a group of people who look the same. There is a shared history. There is a shared culture that includes unique and distinct ways within it that grew out of a common history. That culture has enriched the world. I have been blessed to be amongst this culture my whole life in one way or another.

This foundation in me was created long before I accepted Jesus Christ. As I grew into my walk with Christ, I’ve often wondered why he allowed the path that I’ve walked the past 43 years. What was there to learn from this journey and the family/friends that I’ve acquired on my path? One lesson that emerged was that I have been called to love my neighbor. When Jesus shared the parable of the good Samaritan he was explaining what it meant to love your neighbor. To me, the parable was simple. Be the Samaritan man. I have been metaphorically beaten and left for dead a few times in my life. Many from the black community came along as the Samaritan for me. They shared in my burdens. In the past year, I even had a brother who opened up his home to me when I didn’t have a place to go. I desire to continue learning how to walk in such a Christ-like way. 

I also desire to share in the burdens and beauty of my brothers and sisters. I can’t do that if I don’t know them though. So I have extended my hand and introduced myself for 43 years now. I have broken bread and fellowshipped. I have worked to build community with people. I have gotten to know my brothers and sisters who I’ve sat across the table from. I consistently made the choice to sit at that table. I also have stepped into their rich history. These “28 days” represent a fresh reminder to me of what I should be doing the other 337 days a year. I’ve desired to be more like these Samaritans who picked me and many others up off the ground on our way to Jericho. I’ve even tattooed this on my right forearm to remind me. 

Black history includes a legacy of sacrificial, Christ-like love. It includes a story of seeking justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God. It includes a legacy of women and men who stood up for what is right even if it could cost them their lives. It is a history deeply entrenched in strength, faith, persistence, hope, and so much more. Black history is not just in the past. It is today. It is tomorrow. It is within the man or woman sitting across the table from you if you make the choice to sit there.

Black is beautiful; it truly is. It has to be beautiful because the Lord creates what is good. I would love to break bread with you on March 1st and beyond to chat about it more.

Black History, Black Church, & the Socioeconomic Call

by Tonya Phillips

Lift Every Voice and Sing, the Black national anthem, is a resounding cry for us to celebrate Black history and answer the call to continue fighting for a just society. 

Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us…

The Black church was the fire that fueled the movement for hundreds of years to free Black people from slavery and segregation to the freedoms we moderately enjoy today. 

"The church fueled slave rebellions, nurtured and sustained the Underground Railroad, and was the training ground for the orators of the abolitionist movement, and for ministers such as Richard Harvey Cain who emerged as powerful and effective political leaders during Reconstruction. It powered antilynching campaigns and economic boycotts, and formed the backbone of and meeting place for the civil rights movement."

Black people and Black faith leaders led one of U.S. history's most successful economic boycotts. Starting on December 1, 1955, with the arrest of Rosa Parks, the boycott lasted for thirteen difficult months; Black people stood together in solidarity for 381 days and refused to patronize Montgomery's segregated bus system until its segregation ended. On November 13, 1956, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Browder v. Gayle that segregation in public transportation was unconstitutional. Black churches offered sanctuary and incubation for the movement, holding mass meetings to organize, care for, and encourage the people to endure and fight on.  

Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us…

Take a moment to reflect on the parable in Matthew 25:14-30 where three servants were given different amounts of talents. Two of the servants doubled what they were initially given. The third one stuck his talent in the ground. He didn't add to the foundation he was given.  

We must continue to honor the accomplishments of Black people and continue in the traditions of the Black church and leaders such as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King, Rosa Parks, Fannie Lou Hamer, Rev. Ralph Abernathy, Rev. Andrew Young, Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, Rev. Joseph Lowery, Diane Nash, Dorothy Height, and countless others. We cannot put our talent in the ground and only return back to God the work of our ancestors. We must be like the servants whom the boss said, "Well done," and use our talents to advance social and economic justice. 

Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,

Let us march on till victory is won.


2. To learn more about the history of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing” go to

What could we do with 28 Days?

by Phonz Phillips

For my entire life February has been known as Black History Month. And ever since I could comprehend its meaning, I’ll admit, I’ve had a myriad of responses. They’ve marched along the spectrum from apathetic to enraged by being given the shortest month in the year. All these emotions jostling for position seemed to give way to a maturing sense of gratitude as I started to the ask and answer the question: What could we do with just 28 Days?

First, I should acknowledge the numerical elephant in the room. Of course each leap year brings with it 29 days for the month of February, but most of us associate the month of February with 28 days. And so here at Detroit Church, we’ve titled our Black History Month Celebration: 28 Days.

In the same way that a chrysalis makes space to transition something altogether new and different, this question evoked me to reconsider new possibilities and the exponential impact they incite. Briefly, allow me 3 effects that no human can measure as we acknowledge and celebrate these 28 Days.


We immerse ourselves in the narratives of Black leaders, inventors, artists, and activists, seeking a panoramic understanding of history. Their triumphs and struggles paint a nuanced picture, challenging stereotypes and fostering empathy. This goes beyond mere information; it has the power to break down barriers and cultivate empathy for all.


By confronting injustice head-on, we create the opportunity to address systemic inequalities with courage and determination. Acknowledging the history of racial oppression is the first step toward building a more equitable future. Imagine these 28 days sparking conversations and inspiring policy changes in areas like education, healthcare, and the legal system—all because we see the lie in truth’s light.


Black History Month becomes a vibrant celebration of cultural diversity and inclusivity. It's not just about recognizing Black history; it's a call to embrace diversity and appreciate the richness of different perspectives. By consecrating a month to honor Black history, we all actively partake in the symphony of African American culture, recognizing its profound contributions to society. This celebration invites communities to engage in a gumbo-like cultural exchange, that wafts of understanding and appreciation.

The importance of Black History Month lies in its ability to challenge stereotypes, address systemic inequalities, and celebrate cultural diversity. Black history is, in essence, human history. As we embrace what these 28 days stand for and God’s working therein, we grow closer as a redeemed people made in the image of our Father God.