Two Birthdays


What is the meaning of “so” in John 3:16?

The original Greek word, ουτως (houtos), translated “so,” means “in this manner” and is actually the first word in John 3:16. A more literal translation would begin, “For in this manner God loved the world ...”

What do you make of Nicodemus’ reply in verse 4? What emotions does he seem to be experiencing? 

If Nicodemus had stopped after the first question - “How can a man be born when he is old?” — then maybe he would just be expressing incomprehension. But his second question - “Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” - seems to indicate something more. Perhaps he is feeling some frustration or maybe even shock, since being born a Jew is what the Jews thought guaranteed their entry into heaven. Or could his reply even have a little condescending tone? …making light of Jesus’ reply, which he may have considered a snub in front of Jesus’ disciples around them.