For the majority of our brief 6 year existence, Detroit Church has lived portably. Hosting larger gatherings in various centrally located venues has afforded us the blessing of being able to move around the city and focus on the heart of our mission: PEOPLE. As a result, new relationships have been nurtured over the years, and smaller discipling communities have been birthed.
For the next 13 weeks Detroit Church will step into a hybrid gathering experience that we call Pop-Up Church. Every three weeks we will celebrate with a larger gathering, followed by two weeks of virtual meetings. The larger gathering locations will move around the city and give us the opportunity to visit each neighborhood in proximity to where we are currently hosting a Lifegroup. The virtual gathering will feature a prerecorded service with watch parties hosted in each Lifegroup neighborhood. This will also give us the opportunity to create new discipleship communities in neighborhoods we are not currently represented in. The following is a list of the prospective neighborhoods.
Sunday Worship
God is at work cutting and pruning his church, forcing us to depend on The One True Vine. You’re invited to a family conversation and experience as we return to D.E.P.S.A. NOT for business as usual, but to produce more fruit. Join us this Sunday October 4th at 10AM for “VineTalk.” Space is limited as we continue to socially distance. Upon arrival each guest will visit our sanitation station and have their temperature taken. Find out more about other safety protocols here. This service will be live-streamed for those who choose to participate virtually.
Lifegroups create consistent space for us to live our daily lives with the kind of sacrificial love Jesus commands us to have for each other. Life Groups are small gatherings of people that meet in homes biweekly to pray together, worship together, discover and encourage each other’s gifts to flourish, share a meal together, care for each other’s needs, welcome the stranger into a family setting, celebrate victories and mourn losses together, and serve the world together.
Young Detroit Now Meeting!
Fall season is the best ever, so come make 1st & 3rd Thursdays each month, even better by coming to chill with us at Gladstone. We'll be playing some yard games, eating some dinner, continuing our teaching on spiritual disciplines, and hanging out around the fire. Let's be honest, that's a pretty stacked night. If you are a middle or high school student, come meet with us at 3771 Gladstone St. Detroit, 48206 on 1st & 3rd Thursday’s. Email with any questions.
PS: Bring your bibles, journals, pens, and a mask pretty please! There will be temperature checks at the door.
Men of Iron Breakfast Meet UP!
Fellas, we’ve had a great time on Zoom the last several months, but there’s nothing like connecting in person! So join us on September 26th at 730AM, for at Louie’s Ham & Corned Beef for breakfast & fellowship. The address is 3570 Riopelle St. , Detroit 482076. If you’re short on funds and still want to come, we got you! Just let us know. I Want to GO! →