Prayer Agenda: april 3, 2020
John 12:12-19: We worship a triumphant King, a Savior who resurrects the dead
call to worship
Children of God, Rejoice! Sing out in celebration, God's people! Your King is coming to you, humble, riding on a donkey, on a donkey’s foal.
Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is the one who comes in the Lord's name. Glory to God! Hosanna!
Praise and Celebration Lord God, loving Friend and Parent,
You deserve our worship, our love and our devotion,
Because You have entered our broken world,
You have joined us on our journey of pain and pleasure, of sorrow and joy,
And have given us access to life eternal and abundant.
We lift our voices to praise You, O God.
We celebrate Your coming to us,
Not with political power or military might,
Not with glamour or fame or wealth,
But in humility and love, gently and with great compassion.
We lift our voices to praise You, O God.
*Additional prayers of praise may be added here.
Prayers of request
O Lord our God,
We bring You the needs of our world,
broken by division and suspicion, by [corruption and self-preservation].
We bring You the needs of our land,
the hungry and homeless, the wounded and despairing.
We bring you the needs of ourselves and our loved ones,
seeking Your peace and healing, Your wisdom and protection.
John 11: 3-4 - That the virus would not lead to death, but to the glory of God
John 11:25-27 - That salvation would come to many
John 11:40-42 - That the church would walk in greater faith for healing
John 12:42-43 - That God’s people would boldly confess His Lordship during this hour
Hear us, O God, and come to us,
In compassion and love rescue and restore us,
And make us a people in whom Your gentle reign is seen.
Lord Jesus Christ,
We recognise that Your life among us was one of sacrifice,
That You came to confront the hatred, fear, violence and evil in us.
That You seek to throw over the tables of greed and injustice in us.
Forgive us when we resist Your coming.
When we reject You and seek to silence Your transforming and challenging influence.
Silent confessions are offered.
Have mercy on us, O God,
Do not cease to come to us and to call us to life.
Help us to embrace the way of the cross
And to live in the power of Your death-defying love. For Jesus' sake. Amen.
Let us open the gates of our hearts
That the Sovereign God of Glory may come in
Let us lift our voices in praise and thanksgiving
God deserves all honour and blessing.
It is our privilege and joy to exalt the Lord in every place and every moment.
And so, Dear God, we offer You our worship through Jesus Christ, Your Son, who comes to us humbly and riding on a donkey's foal.
Silent Reflection
The Lord Jesus, on the eve of His death, shared a meal with His followers.
Taking the bread, He gave thanks, broke it, and offered it to them with these words:
This is My body broken for you. Remember Me whenever you eat.
After the meal, taking the cup of wine, He gave thanks, and offered it to them with these words: This is My blood poured out for you. Remember Me whenever you drink.
And so, now O Lord, we eat and drink in memory of Jesus and His great love,
And in this simple meal we proclaim His death and resurrection, giving life to all people.
Communion is received.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for coming to us once again through this simple meal of bread and wine; For nourishing our bodies and our souls; and for filling us with hope as we look forward to the eternal banquet. Amen.
[selected liturgy by John van de Laar,]