Sunday Jan 14
The Johnson's 2435 Edison Detroit, MI 48206
The Problem of Emotionally Unhealthy Spirituality
We’ll go over why we’re doing a huddle, as well as, what the objectives, expectations, and commitments are. We’ll discover why emotional health and spiritual maturity cannot be separated. When we ignore the emotional components of our lives, we move through the motions of Christian disciplines, activities, and behaviors, while deeply rooted behavior patterns from our past can hinder us from an authentic life of maturity in Christ.
Sunday Jan 28
Location: The Butlers 722 Wallace Birmingham, MI 48009
Know Yourself That You May Know God
Emotional health and spiritual maturity cannot be separated. When we ignore the emotional components of our lives, we move through the motions of Christian disciplines, activities, and behaviors, while deeply rooted behavior patterns from our past can hinder us from an authentic life of maturity in Christ.
Sunday Feb 11
Location: The Butler's 722 Wallace Birmingham, MI 48009
Going Back in Order to Go Forward
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality involves embracing God’s choice to birth us in a particular family, in a particular place, at a particular moment in history. The past may well hand us some emotional baggage, but it can also give opportunities and gifts.
Sunday Feb 25
Location: The Johnson's 2435 Edison Detroit, MI 48206
Journey Through the Wall
On the road to leadership, we all have to go through the pain of the Wall; or what the ancients called “the dark night of the soul”. We are often brought to the wall circumstances and crisis beyond our control. Receiving the gift of God in the Wall experience however, transforms our lives forever.
Sunday Mar 11
The Johnson's 2435 Edison Detroit, MI 48206
Enlarge Your Soul Through Grief and Loss
Loss is a place where self-knowledge and powerful transformation can happen, if we have the courage to participate fully in the process.
Sunday Mar 25
Location: The Butlers 722 Wallace Birmingham, MI 48009
Discover the Rhythms of the Daily Office and Sabbath
God offers us ways to deeply root our lives in him. Two of these can be found in accent disciplines that go back thousands of years, the daily office and sabbath. When placed inside present day Christianity, they both are groundbreaking countercultural acts that disrupt our fast-paced western culture.
Sunday Apr 8
Location: The Johnson's 2435 Edison Detroit, MI 48206
Grow Into an Emotionally Healthy Adult
The goal of the Christian is to love well, as we’ve been so loved. Jesus was keenly aware that spirituality included not only loving God, but also the skill of loving others maturely.
Sunday Apr 22
Location: The Butlers 722 Wallace Birmingham, MI 48009
Go the Next Step to Develop a “Rule of Life”
By ordering our lives to contemplate the love of Christ and to receive the love of Christ, we will be able to give the love of Christ away to others. In this way he transforms our lives in a gift for our families, friends, co-workers, and communities. Each one of us was uniquely designed to participate in the mission of God, and live with the same sense of purpose that Jesus lived with. If we’re willing to open our eyes to see as God does, we might be surprised by what we can accomplish for the Glory of God and the Good of Man.
Sunday May 6
Location: The Johnson's 2435 Edison Detroit, MI 48206
the ministry of prayer
Preyer is not a church department. Prayer is not a “special” calling reserved only for a chosen few. It’s actually an invitation for us to abide in the God of the universe, and for him to abide in us. We’ll dive into the importance of prayer and what it looks like to model a healthy commitment to prayer, both personally and as a community.
Sunday May 20
Location: The Butlers 722 Wallace Birmingham, MI 48009
synergy part 1
There’s meaning in the metaphor: Body of Christ. It denotes a symphony of diversities working together selflessly preferring and promoting the other components towards the maturity and fullness of the head, which is Jesus. We’ve been given a biblical blueprint that is perhaps more relevant and necessary now than ever before. Once we are living according to his full plan and purpose, the Holy Spirit enables us to show the world who Jesus is and what Jesus does.
Sunday June 3
Location: The Johnson's 2435 Edison Detroit, MI 48206
synergy part 2
Everyone of us have been giving a measure of Jesus’ gifts and aptitudes. (Eph 4:7) While it’s true that none of us has it all, through our Synergy, we can freely share our strengths and develop our weaknesses. We each have something to contribute towards the completeness of our community. Learning what that is, and how that works has to be a part of our local church DNA.
Sunday June 17 - Father's Day - No Meeting
Sunday July 1
Location: The Butlers 722 Wallace Birmingham, MI 48009
intercessory thinking
Time is ticking, and life is short ultimately. So we respond by placing one hand on the problem and one hand on the solution and standing in the gap until it closes and peace and wholeness are the result. As iThinkers, we are present in both spaces for the Glory of our Fathers Kingdom, and we strategize accordingly.