Download our Study Pamphlet for the Galatians Series
What ///
The Bible study serves as a weekly rhythm to see Detroit Church members deeply formed into the image of Christ through the study and application of the Scriptures. The Bible study will feature an hour and a half of study and engagement with Scripture through teaching, facilitated discussion, and group interaction.
When ///
Wednesday’s from 7P-8:30P - see Fall 2022 schedule below
Where ///
The Hope Center 15031 Dexter, Detroit, MI 48238
Who ///
Detroit Church and anyone else interested in studying God’s Word.
How ///
Mid-week bible study will be an extension of the preaching series on Sundays to offer a deeper dive into the existing series with more involved teaching and interaction.
Why ///
We desire to see Detroit Church members spiritually formed into the image of Christ, and we believe in the transformational power of the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures who accomplishes that through study and application.