

As followers of Jesus, we don't just give to something, we give from something. And this conviction is the blessed joy of  knowing that our resources can be a tool for both the glory of God, and the good of man. When you give to Detroit Church, you are using your God-given resources to make all things new in Detroit, and beyond. Thank you for your generosity!

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If you feel God tugging you to partner with us and contribute your time, talent or treasure to Detroit Church, we'd love to hear from you!

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At Detroit Church, we believe that we are called to not just be spectators, but to take part. We are called to take part by giving three things: time, talent and treasure. Each gift is equally important to furthering the Kingdom of Christ. It is often said that our time is our most valuable asset. We don't want to just go to church on the weekends, but rather be the church every day of the week. This takes time. Throughout scripture, Jesus makes it clear that we are each given various talents and the manner in which we use our talents is of the utmost importance. We want to give God our best. We each have unique talents and passions, it is only when we all bring our best that the body of Christ can work at its best. 

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Jesus makes it abundantly clear that money and the way we use and spend our finances is directly tied to the posture of our hearts. Giving not only helps the church run, but the act of giving illustrates our trust in Christ.