Hey Parents!  

I want to personally invite you to participate AS A FAMILY in the upcoming week of prayer and fasting.  Wait, can kids fast? 

Yes!  Let me be clear - children and teens should NOT totally fast from all food or from water.  Their bodies and minds are still developing and it is very important to their health and wellbeing to maintain caloric balance. They CAN however, fast from snack foods, sugary drinks, or treats.  They can certainly fast from entertainment such as television and movies, gaming devices, social media, music, and even fiction books.  They can also put aside a favorite toy or activity in exchange for something that will help them more directly hear from God this week.  

If you've never fasted with your family before, try sharing with your child why fasting is important to you personally and what you are choosing to set aside for the week.  Invite them to consider giving up something too.  You may give them suggestions if they seem unsure, but allow them to own their decisions.  We tried this with our 5 and 7 year old sons recently, and I was pleasantly surprised at what ideas they came up with on their own and their eagerness to participate. 

There is power in preparation!  Here are a few things we are doing at our house to get ready for the week:


What is everyone eating or not eating?  Consider a simplified menu for the kids or making a few meals ahead of time so you can focus on prayer rather than cooking all week. Beyond food, what other distractions is each family member giving up for the week ahead?


Tape a large piece of paper on the wall or set a jar of dry erase markers next to a window.  Encourage your household to write their questions for God and expect that He wants to respond to you this week.  He does not always answer our questions the way we imagine He will, but He does promise to make Himself known when we seek Him.  Remember that prayer is every bit as much about LISTENING as it is about asking. 

The main point for giving things up all week is so that there is MORE ROOM for PRAYER!  Which book will you read in God's word this week?  Are there other encouraging books you will read?  When will you pray on your own and when will you pray together as a family?  When will you nap?  (Seriously!)  Save a worship playlist,  find a park to take wonder wander through nature together, set up a simple prayer station at home, pull out Bible picture books, download a guided prayer app for families (see links below), set out art supplies, dust off the instruments, plan a time to prayer-stroll around the neighborhood, print Scripture or A.W. Tozer quotes coloring pages for the kids,.  Don't focus only on what is being surrendered and sacrificed. What good and beautiful and righteous things are going to fill your home and time instead? 

This upcoming fast is a great opportunity to intercede as a family for people in your lives who need Jesus.  This week I heard from a fellow mother at Detroit Church who has been fasting for her struggling child - and her daughter just told her that she wants to follow Jesus!!  I am so encouraged by this fresh report.  


We just started using Lectio for Families and I love it! It's a free app (see download buttons below) from 24-7 Prayer that guides families with all ages through a memory verse, Scripture reading, simple discussion and prayer time together. It takes less than 10 minutes, and manages to be meaningful while also brief enough to keep kids attention.

I pray this week ahead for you is RICH in every way!  

blessings - Lindsay Hamby