To unify our efforts and to help aid us in forming a rhythm of prayer, we will utilize a familiar prayer guide called ACTS. ACTS is an acronym that stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.
ADORATION (Morning focus 6a-12P)
Begin your day by praying in adoration and praise of God. This is an opportunity to set our focus directly on God, as we adore Him for Who He is, His attributes, His names, etc. This also helps to remind our hearts of who He is as we are filled with wonder at who God is.
CONFESSION (Afternoon focus 12P-4p)
As we come into God's presence, we can see who we are more clearly and that we fall way short of His holiness and have great need of His forgiveness. During this time ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you your sinfulness and need for God’s mercy and grace. Call out specific sins you need forgiveness for. Remember our sin can fall into the category of things we have done (commission) and things we haven’t done (omission).
THANKSGIVING (Evening focus 4P-9P)
Spend some time now thanking God for the gifts in your life. Try to notice the gifts you often take for granted. This is a time for prayers of thanks for what God has done. Thank Him for salvation, His peace, protection, and provision. Thank Him for family, friends and the many blessings in your life. And thank Him for the greatest gift of all, Jesus!
SUPPLICATION (Throughout the day)
This is an opportunity to ask God for His power to help to meet needs, address problems, and to receive divine solutions of how he wants to use us to serve someone else. Start by asking the Holy Spirit to show you who you can pray for and serve directly. Pray for the people in your life, for those who are suffering here in Detroit and around the world.