Advent - The Arrival
In the season of Advent, we prepare our hearts to receive our King—remembering His coming in the flesh and anticipating His return. This dual posture of remembrance and expectation reflects how we approach the Table of the Lord. When we partake of His broken body and poured-out blood, we do so in remembrance of His sacrifice and in hope of the day we will sit with Him at the great banquet table, celebrating the marriage supper of the Lamb.
In past years, we have described liturgy as the work of the people, primarily within the framework of a Sunday service. This year, we invite you to engage in the work of the people daily through readings and prompts designed to shape our hearts throughout the week. As we share in these readings each day, we prepare ourselves for the communal act of Advent liturgy and for gathering at the Lord’s Table each Sunday. Together, this practice will help us fully embrace our King and His coming as we celebrate Christmas.
Week 1 - Hope
Wednesday (11/27)
To examine - Luke 21:25-28
How do I allow hope to change my perceptions of life? How do I usually see the world? Do I fear and faint over the state of events? Do I choose to hope in the face of hardship? In what is my hope anchored?
To approach - Luke 21:29-36
How can I approach my life with hope? Find moments today to guard your mind from the worries of life that dull. Instead, boldly choose to look to the coming of the Son and choose hope in the midst of your circumstance.
Thursday (11/28)
To thank (1 Thes 3:9-10)
What thanksgiving can you bring to God today? Are there places where your faith feels lacking? Through thanksgiving, allow hope and faith to grow within your heart today.
To receive (1 Thes 3:11-13)
Take time to receive the love of God that you may abound in love for others around you. How can you share the hope and love that you have received today with others?
Friday (11/29)
To share - Psalm 25:1-7
Are there others around me facing hopelessness, loneliness, shame? Do they feel lost unsure where to go or where to find hope? Pray that the Lord would teach them His paths and guide them in His truth. Pray that they would encounter His faithfulness and compassion. Pray that they would receive His glorious salvation. In boldness, ask God to provide space for you to share the hope you have with them personally.
Saturday (11/30)
To hold - Psalm 25:8-10
When we behold who God is - his greatness, faithfulness, love, etc…, we find our own brokenness more evident. Behold Him today. If things arise to repent of, do so, seeking His forgiveness in light of who He is and the hope we have in Jesus.
Sunday (12/1)
To consume - Jer 33:14-16
Today, we prepare our hearts to partake in communion - the tangible reality of Christ in us, the hope of glory. What does it look like to have hope in me today? What does it mean in my life that Jesus is the righteous branch who will administer justice in our world and righteousness in the land?
week 2 - peace
Monday (12/2)
To examine - Malachi 3:1-3a
Do I allow him to refine me and to purify me? In my waiting for His coming, do I allow Him to work in my heart, giving Him full access to every closet and corner? Do I feel anxious or peaceful when I consider standing before Him? What does His peace coming on earth mean for me now and when He comes again?
To approach - Malachi 3:3b-4
His coming made peace between God and me: my offerings are now pleasing in His sight. Spend time in prayer considering how His offering has made yours acceptable. Allow Him to settle your hearts in peace more deeply. Does this revelation change how I approach His throne of grace?
Tuesday (12/3)
To thank - Philippians 1:3-8
Come with a thankful heart today for how God is and will bring His good works to completion in your life. Thank God for the people He has put in your life as family and partners in the gospel. As you thank God, can you feel the peace of Christ cover you and even your relationships you are thanking Him for? Thank God for His peace that surpasses all understanding.
Wednesday (12/4)
To receive - Philippians 1:9-11
Take time to intentionally the love of God for you that your love may also grow. Allow the fruit of righteousness to fill you. Does your heart feel more at peace with God and man knowing how deeply loved you are?
Thursday (12/5)
To share - Luke 3:1-6
Who around you needs their valleys filled, their mountains made low, their crooked paths straight, their rough paths smooth? Who needs to know the good news of the gospel? Who needs the peace of God to breakthrough in their hearts and lives. Pray from them today. Ask Holy Spirit to give you the words of peace that would encourage their hearts today.
Friday (12/6)
To hold - Luke 1:68-75
When we behold who God is - his greatness, faithfulness, love, etc…, we find our own brokenness more evident. Behold Him today. If things arise to repent of, do so, seeking His forgiveness in light of who He is and the peace of Christ we can have in every circumstance.
Saturday (12/7)
To consume - Luke 1:76-79
Today, we prepare our hearts to partake in communion - the tangible reality of Prince of Peace who has made a way for us to know God through His own blood. What does it look like to allow the Prince of Peace to reign in my heart and my life today? What does it mean in my life that Jesus will shine on us and guide our feet into the way of peace?